Since 1983 entertainment has been on his mind and Birmingham has been his realm. From bringing the first mechanical bull to the Magic City to serving laughter full time, he has finally found his home at The StarDome and his name is Bruce Ayers.
In 1975 until 1978 he worked his way up the somewhat shaky rock and roll nightclub ladder from Bartender to Door Manager at The Cobblestone on Morris Avenue. From 1978 until 1983 he evolved along with the nightclub Brentwoods, becoming the General Manager as the club became Cassidy’s and then the ever so popular Singles.
In 1983 The Comedy Club opened on Highway 31 with a capacity of 200 seats. Unknowns such as Tim Allen, Sinbad and an opening act named James Gregory took to the stage and introduced people of Birmingham to live stand up Comedy. In 1985 moving to a bigger location The Comedy Club landed on Green Springs Highway and had a capacity of 300. On March 13, 1993 a blizzard hit, a fire started and The Comedy Club was destroyed.
In October of 1993 The Comedy Club became The Comedy Club Stardome and located itself in the heart of Hoover. Along with acquiring 420 seats, Bruce also obtained banquet facilities, VIP Skybox seating and a Las Vegas Style Showroom. He was awarded Birmingham’s Small Business Man of the year and The Comedy Club StarDome became The Number One Comedy Club in the Country.
In 2016, The StarDome underwent a major renovation. Practically no aspect of The StarDome was left untouched. Reconfigured stadium-style seating provides each guest the “best seat in the house” for entertainment in the main Showroom. The brand new Star Bar provides a great setting to meet up with the comics after the shows. New staging and state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems make certain each performance is perfection.
Open 6 nights a week and being a full service restaurant and bar, The newly renovated StarDome continues to serve up the people of Birmingham with first class entertainment and four-star service.
The StarDome is family owned and operated. With his wife Che Che Ayers at his side and daughters, Gina Zimmerman as Accounting Manager, Dena Dow as Marketing Director. Bruce continues to strive to provide excellent customer service and keep laughter flowing in Birmingham.

Dena, Cheech, Bruce and Gina