Meet Kelly Ryan, the comedic force who’s lighting up stages worldwide with a blend of brash wit and irresistible silliness. With a home base at the legendary Hollywood Improv and a coveted spot as a Paid Regular at The Comedy Store, Kelly has cemented her status as one of the best acts in the industry.
You might recognize Kelly as the current opening act for the incredible Anthony Jeselnik, sharing laughs with audiences across the globe. Her razor-sharp humor has earned her accolades such as Winner of Portland’s Funniest Person 2021 and selected performer of Just for Laughs Montreal New Faces 2023.
Off-stage, Kelly doubles the fun with an identical twin sister, co-hosting the hilarious podcast, Nightcoop, where no topic is off-limits.
With a style that’s as fearless as it is funny, she is guaranteed to leave audiences roaring with laughter, one joke at a time.